Concept Testing Form

Concept Test

Step 1 of 3

Everyone’s got ideas. The next big thing?
The difference between you and most people, is that you can now bring our idea to life!
And rate it against your other ideas, so you can prioritise which one to act on first!
Ok, let’s go?

What’s a short catchy name?
Product Concept
Give your concept a descriptive project name.

Insert an image to help bring your idea to life

Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, Max. file size: 50 MB.
What is the gap in the market, pain-point that exists or deep human need/want/desire?
In a nutshell, why will your idea work?
What are the mission-critical elements, the CSFs that MUST be in place for this concept to work?
What are the things that MUST to be done 'play' in this space eg product performance specs, pricing at or below 'x', etc
Many successes required a pivot from the original idea. Are there any slight variations to the idea that might also work?
Define where you plan to play eg domestic/global, on-line/bricks-and-mortar…?
How will you be in the minds of consumers?
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