Website Design, Development & Hosting

Design and Development of Website

Elementor will be used to create/develop the WordPress CMS-based theme.


Set-up and development of the includes:

  • Home page
    • Header (sitewide)
    • Footer (sitewide)
  • Contact us page
  • Development of up to four other (i.e. up to 5 in total, including the Home Page) additional simple single pages (such as “About” pages or “Service” pages). N.B. Additional pages based on the approved theme/style guide are available at extra cost.
Approved design files and any associated website development assets are to be supplied.
Exclusions (Out of Scope)
The purchase of stock images, copywriting, photography, video and post-production services are excluded from this quote


The following plugins (or latest equivalent) are included/used in the development.


  • Elementor
  • Elementor Pro (Premium Plugin & Licence Included – 12 months)
  • Gravity Forms (Premium Plugin & Licence Included – 12 months)
  • ACF Pro (Premium Plugin & Licence Included – 12 months)
  • WPMuDev Hummingbird
  • WPMuDev Smush
  • WPMuDev Defender

Mobile Responsiveness


All pages of the website will be developed responsively.

Dedicated Custom Post Types

Template-driven pages that can help to make content management easier, including:

  • Archive/category pages
  • Single page templates

Examples of custom post types are:

  • Team pages
  • Testimonials


Input data for up to three (3) templates/custom posts is included.

Additional charges may apply for the design of extra custom post types.

OPTIONAL: Platinum Care Hosting

NB. Not included in quote unless specified.

Available: Monthly, Quarterly or Annual


Dedicated CPU, memory and IP for every site so you will never be impacted by other sites or shared resources.

Web Application Firewall and dynamic malware defence with optimised rule sets / blocklists for elite security.

Daily backups with 30 days of storage. (Get up to 720 restore points with an optional hourly backup package).

Seamlessly integrates with plugins, site management, automation, and templates.

Integrated, one-click staging environment. Test, fix, and update with absolute confidence.

Also includes:

  • Templates & cloning
  • Multisite compatibility
  • Up to 10 free pop3 email accounts
  • SSL certificates
  • Easy SFTP/SSH access
  • WooCommerce ready
  • Self-healing technology
  • No read/write file limits
  • File/database manager
  • WP-optimized resources
  • Git, Composer, & NPM
  • FastCGI & object cache
  • Detailed site analytics
  • 99.9% uptime guarantee
  • phpMyAdmin & WP-CLI


NB. Not included in quote unless specified.


WooCommerce eCommerce plugin(s)

Initial Set-up:

  • Shop page
  • Category pages
  • Product details pages
  • My account pages
  • Cart
  • Checkout pages

Initial configuration of:

  • PayPal & Stripe payments
  • Taxes
  • Branded email template
  • Shipping (free & flat-rate)


NB. Not included in quote unless specified.


Optimisation of:

  • Titles
  • Meta Tags
  • H1-H6 Tags
  • Links

We will also implement:

  • Google Analytics
  • Webmaster Tools
  • Google Maps
  • 301 Redirects (if applicable)

OPTIONAL: Platinum Care Website Maintenance Service Level Agreement (SLA)

NB. Not included in quote unless specified.

Sophisticated service that is designed to keep your website plugins and general website maintenance in order to help reduce the risk of malicious attack, commonly known as being ‘hacked’ (e.g. malware).


  • Typically monthly or quarterly.
  • Website backups will be created before initiating any software updates to ensure data integrity and security.
    • A dedicated 30-minute troubleshooting window is allocated during this process. If any issues surpass this timeframe, a prompt rollback to the website’s previous state will be executed, accompanied by clear communication with the client to address concerns and provide updates on the resolution process.
  • Update of software & plugins.
    • Updates to premium plugins can only be made if a valid licence key is present/supplied
  • Submission/testing of enquiry forms once the upgrade has been completed.

We can also supply you with a comprehensive report to accompany your SLA (if requested) including:

  • Update log
  • Security issues/fixes
  • Performance test*
  • Website uptime
  • Backups

* Improvement of performance scores is not included in SLA

OPTIONAL: Website Performance Optimisation

We can focus on improving your website’s speed and performance. Improving a website’s loading speed and overall performance can boost its rankings and ensure that it remains user-friendly.


An initial benchmark will performed.

Various technical improvements will then be undertaken, as appropriate.

We can also integrate and configure the performance service, a trusted industry solution for enhancing website performance.

Scoping & Additional Costs

Quotes are based on the information supplied during the project briefing.

It is the client’s responsibility to provide us with clear guidelines and specifications so that we can deliver the project according to your expectations.

From this, we determine the scope and provide an estimate for approval accordingly.

If a discrepancy arises, additional costs to accommodate the changes to scope may be incurred.

Once you have accepted this quote, any additions, changes, or enhancements in the project’s functionality or design will incur additional costs and may result in a revised delivery date.

All additional work over and above the approved estimate can be charged separately.

Intellectual Property and Copyright

Once the final invoice is paid, the completed project becomes the intellectual property of the party invoiced. 

Jewell Projects reserves the right to place a discreet “Design by Jewell Projects” into the footer for all website projects.

Jewell Projects reserves the right to use publically available project work for marketing purposes.


Unless otherwise stated, this proposal excludes any copywriting services, stock images, photography, videography and the implementation of third-party applications other than the ones outlined in this quote.

Support can be obtained by undertaking a Service Level Agreement with Jewell Projects, and its agents.

Support queries must be logged via and will be actioned during business hours at the earliest opportunity.

Waiver of Liability for Design, Development, and Hosting of Website

This Waiver pertains to the design, development, and hosting of the website provided by Jewell Projects (the Service Provider).

Acknowledgment of Risks

The Client acknowledges that:

a. Website design, development, and hosting involve inherent risks, including but not limited to technical failures, security breaches, and data loss.

b. The Service Provider cannot guarantee that the website will be free from errors, interruptions, or security vulnerabilities.

c. The internet is an open system, and the Service Provider cannot guarantee the confidentiality or security of the information transmitted over it.

Limitation of Liability

To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Service Provider shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitive damages, including but not limited to loss of profits, data, or business opportunities, arising out of or related to:

a. The design, development, and hosting of the website.

b. Any errors, omissions, or delays in providing the website services.

c. Any unauthorised access to or alteration of the Client’s transmissions or data.

d. Any viruses, malware, or other harmful components encountered during the use of the website.


The Client agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Service Provider and its affiliates, officers, directors, employees, agents, and contractors from and against any and all claims, liabilities, damages, losses, and expenses (including reasonable legal fees) arising out of or related to:

a. The Client’s use of the website.

b. The Client’s breach of any term of this Waiver or the underlying service agreement.

c. The Client’s violation of any applicable laws or regulations.

The Client agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Service Provider from any and all claims, liabilities, damages, losses, and expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) arising out of or related to the design and development of the website by the Subcontractor.

No Warranties The Service Provider disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. The website is provided “as is” and “as available” without any warranty of any kind.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

This Waiver shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of New South Wales (Australia), without regard to its conflict of law principles. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Waiver shall be resolved exclusively in the courts of New South Wales (Australia).

Entire Agreement

This Waiver constitutes the entire waiver agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous understandings, agreements, representations, and warranties, whether written or oral.


If any provision of this Waiver is held to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect.

By approving the quote, the Client acknowledges that they have read, understood, and agreed to the terms and conditions of this Waiver.

Payment Terms

Jewell Projects will invoice for the deposit on acceptance of the proposal.

Terms of payment are stipulated on the invoice.

If the project is terminated before completion, your company is liable for the full estimated amount or any partial costs incurred. For example, if we complete 75% of the project and you decide not to proceed for any reason, you are liable for the entire project, plus any additional costs incurred, such as software, hosting, or third-party-related costs.

Direct deposit payments are preferred and we thankyou for helping to avoid unneccesay bank fees.

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